Saturday, May 09, 2009

Of Course

Just wrote a big long whiny post about how I'm all out of sorts because of nasty ear infection, and then decided that was pretty self-evident and redundant. So let's start again. The facts: I have another ear infection. Not feeling so hot. Lots to do. Not sure how to manage all these things.

I'm starting with hot tea and a priority list. First up: Take Care Of Self. So at least I've got that one right.

Actually, I have nothing much to say except a lot of complaining, so let's skip that part and head straight to the end. Hopefully we can go to the library today; it looks beautiful outside, and although I like my current book, I need something really compelling for all this babysitting I've got lined up this weekend.

(insert more random complaining, which I can't seem to control this morning)

...aaaaaand, let's stop here. Clearly I am not up for blogging today.


Anonymous said...

oh daphne i loved this and can relate.

blogging has been hard for me lately because everytime i log on i just want to complain.

sometimes its hard to look past all the crap in life, especially when the crap just keeps piling up higher and higher.

Daphne said...

Tammie- It's so funny, I was just logging on to take down this post because I was feeling bad about how whiny I sound, but then your comment made me laugh and feel better, and I decided to keep it up since maybe it will resonate with other people! Personally, I kind of like to hear about people's complaints. :)

Anonymous said...

i dont mind hearing complaints either. i know a lot of bloggers only post about the good and the happy, and of course that has its place....but it's comforting to know we all have difficult times.

babybuddhalover said...

Please continue to blog about your complaints! I try to keep it balanced, but sometimes $%#@it just keeps happening! It is refreshing for me to see others are human and get irritated, as you should be with your ear infections! I hope this one goes away fast.....

teabird said...

I'm sorry you don't feel well today, but thank you for posting that photo!

Daphne said...

Beth: thanks! I've got another complainy post coming right up! :)

Teabird: isn't it pretty? I love the Oakland hills...