Friday, May 02, 2008

Where We Totally Geek Out

Tekkie geekery: sometimes you just have to indulge. When one half of the household is stuck at home most of the time, you need options. So we took advantage of a recent offer to 'upgrade' our TiVo (it was a pretty good deal, after all). Now we have a fancy new TiVo box in the living room (capable of taping one show while watching another!), AND a TiVo in the bedroom (our old one).

Oh my god.
I didn't used to have TV at all, let alone TiVos in two rooms. But we might as well make the best of a crappy situation and enjoy the luxury, right? It is kind of fun. I love TiVo. I hate commercials. It works out well for everyone.

Yesterday was a hard day. I felt so sad and bad and worried about Terri (plus premenstrual). I got back to work from lunch and couldn't stop crying (quietly, at my desk, hoping no one stopped by). I had heard about an online forum for spouses of people with chronic illness. So I checked it out last night. Wow. What a way to make a girl grateful for what she has. Most of the people on this forum are caring for severely ill or disabled spouses. I read a few pages of stories, and then I just couldn't read any more. I was immediately filled with gratitude for our life, and for all the things Terri can do and does every day, and also so grateful for treatment options (some of which may or may not work, but it is not hopeless). I love our life together, I love our home and our routine. I have plenty of hope for the future -- some days are scarier than others, but I feel confident that she will recover to a large degree. I had to say a big Thank You to the universe for reminding me of all the good things in our life together... so many reasons to be grateful.

She's started a blog: CFS Warrior. Stop in and check it out, and say hi!

Anyway, tonight has been great. We went on a short walk, made dinner together, and set up the TiVo. Now we get to choose all the things we want it to record. Geeks! Grateful geeks.

Book review, photos, and recipes coming soon. I feel like my head is a little more clear, so I can catch up on a few things.

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