Thursday, May 01, 2008

Lazy vs. Uninspired vs. Overwhelmed

I'm too lazy/uninspired/overwhelmed to process the photos I've been taking (luckily I have a small stock of photos I haven't posted yet, so have been pulling from those...), so this is a photo-less post. Once you've been posting photos, it's hard to post without illustration. Well. Hopefully this weekend I'll catch up a little. Will be going to the Maker Faire this weekend, I am sure to come home full of inspiration from that!

Warning: random thoughts ahead

Today I have been full of the weepies. Darn that PMS. Cry, cry, cry. iTunes was not helping one bit. The shuffle feature chose to play "Like A Bridge Over Troubled Water" then a sad Beck song, then The Smiths. At that point I had to conclude the iTunes was out to kill me (or make me kill myself) and turned it off.

In slightly happier news, I received a beautiful orchid at work today (not my photo, but this is what it looks like. It's so pretty; I hope I can keep it alive and get it to bloom again. I have not historically had good luck with orchids, but I'll give it my best shot. Terri is good with orchids so maybe her orchid-thumb will help.

I like the librarian idea more and more. It takes the pressure off the whole nursing school path, as well. I'm going to give that my all, but if it's just not to be, then I'm sure I would be very happy with a library degree. I would love to be a small-town librarian. I have good memories of my library in Philomath. Of course, I could be all ambitious and aim for a large urban library... too bad New York City is all the way across the country, now THAT would be a fantastic place to be a librarian. :) Actually, I have no idea what I'd do with a library degree, but it's my backup plan and I'm sticking to it.

And finally, a big Hoo-Ray for Terri! She gave herself the shot today. She was very brave. I was so proud!

Well, seeing that I am lazy and uninspired and overwhelmed, that's it for today. More interesting posts coming soon, I promise. Maybe something about what we've been doing with all our organic produce (delivery service) or my plans for summer vacation (here's a hint: it either involves books or paints), or maybe my sob story about what happened to my iTunes last week. Ah-ha -- that's probably what happened. iTunes was taking out its PTSD on me, and that's what was with the mope-fest today. Hopefully it's all out of its system, now. My PMS can't take much more of that.

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