A terrible photo of my latest painting, my first real foray into abstract, wherein I have no idea what I'm doing but just messed around. Am still not sure what I think. Anyway. Here it is. A decent first attempt, perhaps. (or not). I go between thinking it's okay and hating it. Oh well.
Giant list of stuff I intend to do over the next week or so:
- Finish the companion painting to the one above
- Study abstract art (I got a ton of library books on the subject as review)
- Go to at least one museum or art gallery
- Go to day spa around the corner for facial and mani/pedi
- Have mid-30s makeover at fancy makeup store (I figure this is a good idea once a decade or so)
- A few chores: wash all bedding, sort closet, etc.
- Watch a bunch of movies
- Work on my cross stitch project
- Finish current TBR stack
- Go to the city for T. medical test and hopefully a bit of city fun
- Maybe a springtime hike in the hills
- Oh yeah, and rest a bunch too
Who knows what I'll manage to do off that list, but mostly I intend to catch up on rest and really do a lot of soul-nourishing stuff so I feel actually rejuvenated. We were *hoping* to have our good news by now so we could celebrate, but alas. Still, can enjoy ourselves in any case.
Enjoy your vacation -- you deserve it. And I do like your painting. It looks happy. So, have a happy time doing all that your love to do.
Your vacation plans sound marvelous! I like the painting. The colors are pretty and I like the background and the sort of hints of circles like you set your coffee mug down on the painting after you had spilled a little and the bottom of the cup left rings :)
i agree with jodi, i think your painting is so bright and cheery.
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