Monday, July 21, 2008

Day 3 (?)

Is it really Day Three already?

Today was just fine. I had a fruit-protein-fiber smoothie for breakfast, and then my supplements a little while later. They kind of made my tummy hurt but that is not at all unusual. For lunch I had rice cakes spread with avocado, along with a huge juicy beefsteak tomato. Later in the afternoon I had my soup, which is even better today.

(I do not feel deprived, not one single bit!)

After I had my soup and afternoon supplements, I still felt pretty good. Much more clear-headed, somehow. Towards the end of the day, when I'm usually just about ready to die from exhaustion and zombification from sitting in front of a computer all day, instead I felt... what's this? Good? Clear? Actually okay? Wow.

I certainly wasn't feeling exactly sprightly or perky or anything like that, but I really noticed a difference in how my mind felt. This makes me wonder if I should very seriously look at either cutting out wheat or dairy or both (which I've considered doing before, but didn't ever really have 'proof' that it was helping one way or the other).

The other thing could be the supplements, but I really wonder if a single day is enough to make that much of a difference with those. However, four days (I started the diet plan on Friday before the semi-fast of the weekend) of just fruits and veggies and rice seems to be having some effects.

It feels really good to be more conscious of what I'm eating. Like I said before, I really could not tell you what I've been living on for the past few months. Maybe some salad for lunch? Ummm... quinoa for dinner? I really have no clue. I didn't 'fast' for that long but somehow just the intention seems to have made me more aware of this whole food/eating process. I actually chose something to make for dinner tonight. (it involved asparagus, and then the asparagus at the store wasn't very nice, so we just had soup again after all... but it was still good)

So, here at 8:45 PM, I am feeling a bit sleepy (as I have all day) but I don't have that stupefied brain-dead feeling. I feel like my eyes are all the way open, whereas I've been feeling lately like there's a fog over them. I'm not even speaking metaphorically, I've been feeling sooooo gray and sluggish. It's really interesting that I am actually noticing a difference.

I think the rest of this week is doing to be good. I'll see if I feel like following it up with another week afterwards. Just one week at a time is good for now, though. Afterwards I'll see what the plan says about introducing back in dairy and wheat, to test for sensitivities. I really wasn't even thinking in that direction when I started this, but considering how much less brain-dead I feel, I'm definitely going to look into it.

Well. Maybe I will go crazy tonight and hit the hay early. These vegetables are going to my head!

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