Monday, June 02, 2008

Monday Book Meme

Who’s your all-time favorite author, and why?
All-time favorite... that is a really hard one. Wow. I really have no idea. I suppose, if I think about ratios of books read to books enjoyed, Margaret Atwood ranks pretty high. I think I've enjoyed just about every one of her books. Alias Grace and The Blind Assassin were pretty marvelous. I think I've enjoyed just about everything I've read of hers. The Handmaids Tale was pretty dark, but still her writing is just impeccable and the stories completely engaging.

Who was your favorite first author?
I think that John Bellairs was probably the first author that I felt real passion about. I loved his books so much and was completely entranced whenever I read one. That was probably the first time I felt really obsessed by an author, wanting to read everything he wrote. I also loved Laura Ingalls Wilder (On The Banks Of Plum Creek was my favorite), Judy Blume (I loved Tiger's Eye), Beverly Cleary (the Ramona books and The Mouse and the Motorcycle), and Lois Lowry (Down A Dark Hall...).

Who’s the most recent addition to your list of favorite authors, and why?
Hmm. Not exactly new, but I've felt a renewed pull towards Charles de Lint, whose books my library sadly does not have many of. I ought to check out the Berkeley library. I have read a few reviews of his books lately and I remember how much I loved The Little Country and wanted to read more of his delightful work.

If someone asked you who your favorite authors were right now, which ones would be the first to pop out of your mouth? Are there any you would add on a moment of reflection? Immediate favorites are Margaret Atwood, Larry McMurtry, Tolkien, Louisa May Alcott, John Bellairs, Stephen King, Jane Austen... after thinking about it a little, I think I'd add Barbara Kingsolver, Kurt Vonnegut, Ayn Rand, John Irving (the earlier books), Robert Frost... it's so hard to choose favorite authors.


Kate said...

Oh, "The Long Winter" was by far my favorite Laura Ingalls Wilder. And of course you know my deep, abiding passion for John Bellairs...I'm currently read "The Face in the Frost." Which reminds me, I should go to bed so I can read it :) It's amazing how long days are when the light's long too.

Anonymous said...

yay for Atwood! She is marvelous, isn't she? I forgot to add Tolkein and Irving to my own list! Doh!

Daphne said...

Kate: Oh, you're right --- The Long Winter was probably my favorite (I forgot about it!) and then Plum Creek. I also loved the first one, Little House In The Big Woods and all the stories about what they ate. Loved them.

Stefanie: yes, Atwood is amazing. I have loved just about everything of hers that I've read. Always surprising, full of depth and complexity, and so very smart. Love her!