Monday, June 05, 2006

We are overwhelmed

Oh yes we are.

I hate moving.

Went back to the old place tonight to finish packing. My God. What a lot of STUFF!! And this is after multiple goings-through. And a whole weekend of packing/sorting/hauling/taking-to-new-place. We were there from around 6 to 9 and we made a good dent, but there is still a couple hours of work to do before the movers come Wednesday. I'm hoping to head over bright and early and plow through and then head in to work in the afternoon to plow through work stuff. Whew.

I'll be glad when we're all moved. The good thing about moving is, you get rid of all your excess baggage. Now we just have to be conscious of accumulating new baggage, right?

And tons of cleaning and painting to do. I wish I had tons of extra cash. I would hire a cleaner and a painter. I'm kind of looking into Mr. Odd Job for painting. There's just too much to do and Terri is not up to full speed yet so we're a little short on woman-power.


Still with the happy to be here, and the kitties are adjusting. I have a fat-and-fluffy on my lap right now, doing head-dives and taking up my entire lap with abandon.

Time to wash off some dust and hit the sack so I don't totally collapse tomorrow. Tempting though it is (I need a reason to stay in bed a week!).

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