Friday, June 30, 2006

A Really Bad Cherry

So. Not-so-great news from the doctor. Terri had an MRI a few days ago to see what's going on with her back. The results showed a herniated disk (in several places). We were hoping that it wasn't too bad and could be treated with physical therapy, etc. However, today we got word that the severity of it may indicate surgery.


If this is the cherry on top of the multi-layered misfortune sundae, it's the pits. Man.

Terri emailed me what the doctor said and I just couldn't help it; I started crying. I can't imagine how scared and bad she must have felt, because I felt pretty darn bad right then. Very, very scared and worried. Back surgery! That's not good stuff.

I did a little online research and found that there is a relatively new procedure called microendoscopic discectomy, a minimally invasive procedure, used for herniated discs, where you can usually go home that same day and are up and about very soon, within hours or days. Must less recovery time than traditional 'open' back surgery. If she has to have surgery, and if it's appropriate, I do hope Kaiser Oakland uses something like this procedure, because I just don't know how we could manage more weeks of recovery from surgery. It's utterly terrifying and overwhelming. For both of us. Everything that I've read seems to indicate, however, that recovery time is usually 2-4 weeks, even with the traditional kind. Which is still overwhelming but not as bad as three months (from her ankle surgery).

Worry, worry, worry. I could list many, many worries right now. But mostly, I am just praying. I think we need to find a church, mostly for community, also for solace. I'm scared, nervous, worried, and could use a whole churchful of support. Does Alameda have an Episcopalian church?

Keep us in your thoughts, Oh Blog Readers...

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