Friday, June 02, 2006

Midwestern Travels

Back from a 4-day work trip to Omaha, Nebraska.

Yes!! I saw the Mututal Of Omaha building!! Sadly, I think Marlon Perkins has left this life, but I was inordinately excited to be in the land of the Wild Kingdom.

It was a pretty darn fine work trip. No hard work, easy flights, big hotel suite to myself, lots of fatty midwestern food (nowhere else will you get Egg Beaters sauteed in pure butter!), pleasant company, good weather, lots of naps. It was truly a 'work-vacation'. I'll take it.

Now, I'm back in the Wild Kingdom of our house. I hate moving. It's always at least ten times more taxing than you think it will be, and it always takes longer than it should. We're hiring movers, which will be a new experience. I'm strangely intimidated. I hate the fact that we're going to have to move AGAIN after this place, probably sooner than later (but not for a year at least!), but it'll be better than the Worm (as in Wendy)-infested apartment we're in now.

Travelling always makes me remember how much I like travelling. I get the biggest kick out of trying local food and seeing the sights. Sometimes I think I'd like to travel more as a career. But then when I'm away for a few nights in a row and I start to miss Terri and the kitties so much that I want to cry, I think better of that idea. I'll just take the travel as it comes. And vacation travel is much more fun than work travel, anyway.

Shea got this fantastic beaded necklace that I can't wait to try and duplicate. I have all the beads. I want to start Right Now but I have to pack. Dang! I hate that. I got Terri a Celtic spiral necklace pendant. I gave it to her before she went to her practice tonight. She says she loves it. I'm so glad. I got a pair of comfy, cool jeans that fit great. We all win.

All the kitties are freaked out and meowing in that pitiful way. My girls know what's coming, I think. Poor things have been moved too much. Katie isn't feeling well (I think it's too hot in here for her tonight), but at least she doesn't know that tomorrow she's going to have to be put in The Box and moved. Eek. That will take a true measure of fortitude and strategy, to get that little kitty in her box unharmed (both her and us). I have a plan, and I have a friend coming over to help. Wish us luck.

I'm rambling, but I'm tired, sweaty, dusty, and have been travelling all day (and also have just taken over a load of stuff to the new place and had a very pleasant conversation with one of the neighbors). And there's plenty more to do. So I'd better get to doing it. *sigh*

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