Saturday, June 28, 2008

Out For A Bit

I'll be gone for most of next week on a work trip... thankfully I will also be able to visit some family and friends, so that's good. I'll also get to go to Powell's and meet the lovely Kate.

I'm sad that I'm not participating in the read-a-thon today but maybe I can do it next year.

I was feeling really under the weather last night (I'm guessing a combination of PMS and allergies from the smoky air... I thought I was getting sick but I'm not getting worse so I think it's bad allergies) so I went to bed at 8:30 pm. I literally could not keep my eyes open. So today I had some energy and did all my shopping, all my laundry, and am catching up on bits of work here and there as well. Terri has forbidden me from cleaning the house so I'm happily taking her up on that. She's having an up and down day but is possibly on an upswing so we are going to attempt a visit to the health food store (our big outing!).

Kitties are funny. When I do laundry, I'm happy because I have clean clothes. However, Tiger Lily is happy because she gets to lay on the warm towels (I try to rescue all my clothes from the heap before she gets on it). It's like an irresistible beacon -- she is powerless against a pile of warm, fuzzy textiles. It draws her in -- she moves slowly, tentatively, but determindely into the deep pile of warm softness. Then, she relaxes slowly and you can see the bliss spreading throughout her little body. It makes me want to wash and dry piles of fuzzy rags for her, just to see the happiness. It's a great excuse not to fold the laundry immediately (aside from my own clothes) because she's in Kitty Heaven and who am I to take her away from that??

Anyway. I have no idea what I intended to say when I started this post but it's just that sort of day. Oh. We are going to have new neighbors by July 1st. We saw them today, a very young couple. They're babies!! But they look nice. We are crossing fingers that they are quiet. Friendly and nice would be a bonus, but quiet is all-important. We're such picky neighbors these days.


Vasilly said...

Hope you feel better. Yes, quiet neighbors are iimportant.

Maree said...

Quiet neighbours are the best!
We have a cat who likes to dig into clean washing too _ it's relaxing to watch, isn't it?

Felicia said...

Hope you're feeling better. I've got a sweet kitty who insists on "helping" my make the bed with my clean sheets :)