Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Off For A Few Days

I'll be in St. Louis for a business trip until Friday evening... in the meantime, take it easy... we've got a couple of great examples here if you've forgotten how.

(I try not to be crazy cat lady but sometimes they are just so cute!)


Kate said...

HAVE FUN IN ST LOUIS!!! Really, it's one of my favorite towns :)

Daphne said...

Really? Any recommendations? We're staying downtown. :)

Kate said...

Gr...It's been quite a few years but LaClede's Landing (sp?) is always all right. I'd see a Cardinals game, if I were you, and stay at Union Station if you can get away with it. Don't wander over into East StL, though there is a bar there called Pops that I recall having a good time at when I was young and dumb. And I recall some good jazz, though I can't remember where!!! I guess I'm no help at all.

Daphne said...

My conference is at the Union Station... what a beautiful building. The shops seem to be kind of second-rate anymore, though. But it's a very pretty area and I am loving the brick houses.