Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Not that it was ever a question, really, but I have the Best Brother Ever. I got home after a long day (the first day back after vacation is always at least twice as long as a regular day) and found a big package from my brother. Inside was a Halloween card explaining that since he's been so busy, he's missed a few birthdays, so here's some treats to make up for it. Lots of little surprises were inside: a cookbook, a knife steel (which he so kindly remembered me wanting), each of our favorite teas, some kitty toys and treats, and some bird-shaped glider planes. Immediately we had 'birds' flying around the apartment, much to the kitties' confusion. What fun, and what a wonderful suprise.

Going back to work is always hard. I kind of feel like little Tiger Lily, here. All worn out. (except she's all worn out from playing with string)
I started taking iron and fish oil again, and I'm getting all inspired by the new cookbook. It just seems really important to take good care of myself and pay attention to what my body is saying. It's saying: I'm tired! More exercise, please! Less wheat and sugar, please! More veggies, more creativity, more books and more hikes, yes please!

How does one make big changes? It happens all the time, but the time leading up to it is always so full of questions. What habits to keep? Which to change? Do I clean out the kitchen of all junk and start fresh? Or change by attrition: just replacing things as they get used? I don't know.

It's my favorite time of year and I feel like I really NEED to enjoy it. I want to get it all down on paper (hello, Virgo!). What projects, what fun things, what house-y things, what activities, what movies, etc. Maybe that's a good project for the weekend. The Fall/Winter Plan.

1 comment:

D'Arcy said...

I'm getting all Virgo these days too - organizing and purging closets and cupboards and getting all kinds of stuff for school figured out and written down. Maybe it's like a New Year's thing - with our birthdays being a month or so ago, this is essentially a "new year" for us.

Your cookbook looks interesting. And who likes the Irish Breakfast? That's Ryan's favourite. The Russian one sounds interesting - I might have to try it.