Sunday, October 21, 2007

Crummy (wishing it was crumb-y)

No photo. Hooking up all the gear seems like too much work. I have some yummy food photos that I'll share probably tomorrow, from that fab cookbook Matt gave me. I think I might be addicted to the curry noodles I made last night, and reheated for tonight (thank you, thank you, microwave!). But right now, I'm just out of steam. Wiped. Hurting. Feeling crummy. Wishing I had some cake. Wishing I were covered in yummy crumbs, falling into my lap because I'm eating cake in bed (which I'm NOT... so sad...). I love this time of month. (warning: possible TMI ahead...)

I don't know why, but I've had a slight backache since summer. Low back, which is unusual for me. It's gotten worse in the last few weeks. My period came early this month (with an early-morning surprise today). I have terrible cramps. I wonder if the two are related. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. I'm going to have to take Midol first thing in the morning to try to avoid the crushing fatigue that has accompanied the first day or two of my period, the last few months. I have an appointment with my ob this week, but I may have reschedule (see: early). Lately, the first two, or sometimes only the second and third, days of my period have been terrible. I get that horrible head-swimmy fog, my legs ache, my back aches, I feel really, really crummy. I can barely think. And for the last two or three months, it seems like I am just barely recovered from my period (exhaustion, etc.) when it's time for the next one. As in, it takes me three weeks to recover. Maybe it only seems that way. But it's been no fun.

Glad I'm seeing my doctor this week. Hopefully.

So, in order to survive the first part of this week, I'm going to eat lots of protein. Hard-boiled eggs. Cottage cheese. Hummus and veggies. Lots of water, lots of hot drinks. A little working out, just enough to fight the fatigue. I have a heating pad here at home, and one at work. I'm prepared. Wish me luck. Wish my co-workers luck (and sympathy), too.

We went out for a short bit this weekend and looked at couches. We found one we liked. It's comfy. We'll shop around a little bit. I've never shopped for a couch before. We're definitely in the 'comfy' camp, as opposed to the 'stylish' camp. Stylish couches tend to be not so comfy. At least the ones we looked at.

So, here's Miss Crampy Crabby, abruptly signing off for the night. Maybe I have some chocolate around here somewhere...

1 comment:

wen said...

i hope you feel better!!