Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I can't keep track

Here I was thinking tomorrow was the start of It's All About Me Month, but no. One more day.

Anyway. I'm already making plans, though. Here are 10 things I'm thinking of, to start.

  1. Walk every day, even if it's just 15 minutes at lunch. This may include walking to work a couple days. (even more compelling after being pulled over tonight by a policeman who informed me, very politely, that I had a headlight out. Great.)
  2. Find/buy dumbells for Oprah's Eight Essential Weight Training Thingies.
  3. Get up 1/2 hour earlier to continue the Poetry Project, and eat a small breakfast.
  4. Conversely, sleep in until the last minute if I want to.
  5. Buy canvasses to finish the veggie painting series.
  6. Make a list of recipes I want to try in the next month(s).
  7. Read every night in bed (or not).
  8. Mix up some natural homemade face mask stuff. Use it.
  9. Eat dark chocolate every day if I want.
  10. To get some more ideas, get out that Self-Care for Women book I have somewhere, and pick a few to do.

Hmm. This reads an awful lot like a resolutions list, but that's okay. I just want to remind myself of all the good options there are. And I feel like getting exercise and eating well is a very good way to take care of myself and that I'll feel much better and more inspired if I do exercise. So, it's not a "exercise to lose 10 pounds" thing, it's a "exercise to feel more clear-headed and strong" thing. Totally different. Right?

Gratitude for the day: Thankful that I have my mental health (mostly). There are so many people for whom life is a scary endurance test. I'm glad I'm able to see it (sometimes) as an adventure. I don't want to forget that.

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