First, I slept in nice and late, in our super-comfy healthy bed, with thick soft flannel sheets. Can I just say that this latex mattress rocks? It totally does. It's not terribly plush per se, but I haven't woken up with a backache once since we've gotten it. It is very... supportive -- not to sound like a mattress commercial, but it's true. I did get a terrible neckache, but that's a combination of having some trouble with my chair at work, and needing to go back to the contoured Tempurpedic pillow. I still love the latex pillow for reading, but I just need a really, really flat pillow when sleeping or else my neck totally freaks out. After a few days back on the contoured pillow, I'm almost back to normal, neck-wise.
(I am haunted by the memory I have of waking up one night in the old bed, waaaay before we ever even thought about mold in our apartment, and smelling mold coming from the mattress. I never smelled it again, but I feel kind of sick about it now.)
Anyway. I had amazing coffee (Stumptown, gift from brother) and thick cinnamon toast for breakfast. Then I did a little bit of housework. Then I took a really long shower. Started a bit of laundry, and then we decided to go to Elephant Pharmacy to use up a gift certificate. We got lots of lovely things we'd been putting off getting. The weather was so nice -- about 67, sunny, cheerful. Everyone was out and it felt like spring. After a quick stop at our little adorable local grocery for snacks and dinner, we headed home, where I have been plopped on the comfy chair, reading my book (The Woman In Black), nibbling on snacks, and enjoying a little fire. Terri made dinner a little bit ago, and then brought me tea and cookies for dessert.
Like I said, just about perfect.
I really can't express just how thankful I am that we're feeling better. I'm feeling almost back to my old self -- I think I'll start jogging again towards the end of this week (give myself a few more days of rest). My ultra-grumpy mood has disappeared, and although my patience is still worn thin, I'm definitely almost back to normal mood-wise too. I still tire easily, but that's also improving slowly.
Terri was rendered almost non-functional after the move, but now she is feeling so much better -- a bit better even than before the move. She's able to do some household chores and go outside for little walks, and accompany me on short local errands. It's sooooo nice to have her 'back'. We're still hoping, of course, that either time or Valcyte will help improve her even further, but just to have her feeling decent is incredible. Times were pretty bleak, back a few weeks ago.
Well, it's back to my book for the remainder of the evening. Tomorrow my friend V is coming over to go thrift-shopping... I can't wait!
I'm glad your day was so perfect Daphne! And that Terri's feeling better. :) Good luck thrifting tomorrow!
I'm so glad you and Terri are finding your normal again. I hope it continues.
lol, you don't sound like a mattress commercial. A good night's sleep can do wonders!
I'm very glad to hear Terri has been feeling better too :)
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