Sunday, October 22, 2006

Busy, busy

I've been so busy this week! Travel, after-work activities, babysitting (the adorable and lovely Misses Ella and Lindsay), just busy busy. This weekend has been a really nice restful time. Yesterday I slept way too late, but I am reaping the rewards today, by feeling much more awake and calm than I have in weeks.

Today is Creative Day. Yesterday was supposed to be Creative Day (part one) but it turned into Chore Day and Relax Evening. So! I'm catching up today.
  • A necklace
  • Some cookie-baking
  • Artist's Way work
  • Illustration Friday (up next)
  • Plan The Class

What's this Class? Stay tuned! It's under development.

So the remaining goals for today are my Illustration Friday piece, and then hopefully some work on Terri's Phoenix drawing, before the light goes away. I really need to investigate some better lighting for evening creative pursuits.

I was supposed to go to IKEA today to do some research on shelving, but I decided that I would instead go on Tuesday, and spend the day being a homebody. What a lovely decision. It's been so nice just doing fun tasks... the chores are done, the cats are napping, it's just me and a big list of creative projects.

I did yoga last week and it was great. I was supposed to go again today, but I had the time wrong and missed it, so I am going to try and go THREE TIMES this week! Gasp! Monday at lunch, Tuesday after work, and then maybe Thursday after work. Is this too much? Maybe. But aim high, and maybe I'll get two classes actually in. Which would be fantastic. My body and stress level really need it.

Overall, I am feeling pretty good these days. Future plans are coming together. Terri's health is, while not exactly getting better in leaps and bounds, at least not deteriorating (currently). She has another MRI next Saturday so we'll see what that brings and go from there. I feel like I need to some more work attracting health, peace and prosperity to our life, but I'm doing the best that I can. I'm putting in some real thought to doing well at work and have felt a shift in my interest. My energy isn't exactly keeping up, but I do feel slightly more inspired to 'do well', whatever that means. I really need to work on getting enough exercise and rest as I think the long, many months of stress and worry and caretaking really taxed my energy, because I find that I am just wiped out by 2:30 or 3. But hopefully some yoga and a stricter bedtime will help.

All in all, doing well. I'm going to order supplies for Lara and my annual Holiday Project, which will be fun. I am so much happier in this house. It's not perfect, and it's not exactly big enough, but it can be cleaned, and it looks nice, and it has real sunlight, and the kitchen makes me happy. It's amazing what a difference it makes to be able to wash the floor and have it look clean, and not falling apart and lino coming up at the edges and damp rot under the sink... If nothing else, I have learned to be grateful for things like new linoleum and bathtubs that can actually get clean.

And with that, I'm off to illustrate 'Ghost' for this week's challenge.

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